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Migration of Monarch Butterflies: two places near the Bay Area to see them

Head to Natural Bridges State Beach or Pacific Grove to witness the beauty of the migration of monarch butterflies. Peak viewing is typically in December and January.

  • Location: 2531 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA

  • Monarch butterfly migration tends to happen at Natural Bridges in mid-October, have peak observation numbers in late-November and early-December, and migrate out of the area by mid to late-January and sometimes into February

  • So it may be a little too late in the season to see large numbers of them, but we visited in early January and saw a few. 

  • Take the Monarch Grove Trail located at Natural Bridges for aself-guided monarch tour.

  • Parking is $10 at the Natural Bridges visitor Center 

  • Stay after and enjoy the beach

  • Location: 250 Ridge road, Pacific Grove, CA

  • The butterflies typically arrive in mid-October and leave in February 

  • Check the website for a count of how many monarch butterflies are currently there.

monarch butterflies in california, pacific grove and santa cruz


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